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This Informational Link is a great place to learn something new and other newsy items too large to include in our monthly newsletter. It's frequently updated so visit often. To suggest an article to share, click here.
Link to Article: Is Dried Fruit Healthy? - Source AARP
Link to Article: 8 Things to Do After 50 to Help You Live Longer - Source AARP
Link to Article: Burising in Seniors: What to Know - Source A Place for Mom
Link to Article: You Home Checklist for Aging in Place - Source AARP
Link to Article: How to Dry Out a Wet Cell Phone - Source AARP
Link to Article: What Goes On in the Brain When We Dream? - Source AARP
Link to Article: The One Thing I will Never, Ever Do in Front of My Partner - Source AARP
Link to Article: When's the Best Time to Take Blood Pressure Medication? - Source AARP
Link to Article: 7 Inheritance Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - Source AARP
Link to Article: 7 Things to Know About the New COVID Vaccines - Source AARP
Link to Resource: Free Smoke Alarm installation - Source American Red Cross
Link to Article: Surprising Uses for Dental Floss - Source AARP
Link to Article: 19 Things You Didn't Know Your Smartphone Could Do - Source AARP
Link to Video: Advance Directives for Dementia - Source, Positive Aging
Link to Video: Unsure about Senior Living? - Source, Positive Aging
Link to Article: Social Connections Are a Key to Happiness - Source, AARP
Link to Article: 5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Gut Health in 1 Week - Source, AARP
Link to Article: The #1 Exercise to Do as You Get Older - Source, AARP
Link to Article: How to Keep Hackers Out of Your Accounts - FTC Consumer Alert
Link to Article: How to Deal With Loneliness - Source AARP
Link to Article: When a Website Asks You About Cookies - Source AARP
Link to Article: Let's Talk About SPAM Texts and Emails - Source Federal Trade Commission
Link to Article: 8 Early Signs of Arthritis You Should Never Ignore - Source AARP
Link to Article: 6 Ways to Dress to Hide a Belly Bulge - Source AARP
Link to Article: 10 Surprising Causes of Back Pain - Source AARP
Link to Article: 8 Ways Being a Cheapskate Can Backfire - Source AARP
Link to Article: The 7 Worst Habits for Your Joints - Source AARP
Link to Article: Delicious Meals You Can Make in the Microwave - Source AARP
Link to Article: 10 Worst Things to Keep In Your Wallet - Source AARP
Link to Recording: What Did I Come to the Fridge For? - Source Positive Aging
Link to Recording: Moving to a Senior Living Community - Source Positive Aging
Link to Article: Scammers cost Oregon Residents Big in 2023 - Source AARP Oregon
Link to Article: Best and Worst Things to Keep in a Safe Deposit Box - Source AARP
Link to Article: How to Scrub Personal Information From Your Electronics - Source AARP
Link to website: Online 10-minute National Hearing Test ($8 or free to AARP members) - Source The NHT website
Link to Article: 5 Big Changes Coming to the Post Office in 2024 - Source AARP
Link to Article: Big Medicare Changes Coming in 2024 - Source AARP
Link to Article: The #1 Exercise to Do as You Get Older - Source AARP
Link to Article: How to Scrub Personal Information From Your Electronics - Source AARP
Link to Article: Is It Safe to Get Rid of Your Landline? - Source AARP
Link to Article: Family Caregiver Resources for Oregon - Source AARP Oregon
Link to Article: 5 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Medication - Source AARP
Link to Article: Surprising Parts of the Body You Need to Exercise Regularly - Source AARP
Link to Article: Foods You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight - Source AARP
Link to Article: 12 Mistakes You Make at the Doctor's Office - Source AARP
Link to Article: The Future of Aging In Place... Is Moving? - Source AARP
Link to Article: Improve Your Work-at-Home Computer Setup - Source, AARP
Link to Article: Lost in a Parking Lot? Eight Ways to Find Your Car - Source, AARP
Link to Article: 10 Early Warning Signes of Dementia - Source, AARP
Link to Video: What to Do With All Those Digital Photos? - Source, Rachel Jenkins, Photo Archiver
Link to Video: Virtual Reality for Senior Living - Source, Positive Aging
Link to Video: Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behaviors - Source, Alzheimer's Association
Link to Article: How to Clean Your Smartphone and Other Device Screens - Source, AARP
Link to Video: Costs of Life Plan and Continuing Care Communities: Source, Positive Aging
Link to Video: Essential Planning for Solo Agers: - Source, Positive Aging
Link to Article: 8 Things You Never Clean (but Should) - Source, AARP
Link to Article: Is My Money Safe? - Source, AARP
Link to Article: Is It a Ministroke? Know the Warning Signs of a TIA - Source, AARP
Link to Article: 10 Food You Can East Without Gaining Weight - Source, AARP
Link to Article: 13 Things to Throw Away Right Now - Source, AARP
Link to Article: What to do if your online order never arrives - Source, Federal Trade Commission
Link to Article: How to Spot Scam Texts on our Smartphone - Source, AARP
Link to Article: Inflation, What Did Things Cost In 1972 - Source, AARP
Link to 6 Videos: Family Care Giving - Source, AARP
Link to Article: Amazon impersonators: What you need to know - Souce Federal Trade Commission
Link to Website: Milwaukie Community Center - Source Milwaukie Center
Link to Article: What to know before you buy something online - source Federal Trade Commission
Link to Article: 8 Medical Checkups You May Regret Putting Off Any Longer, Source AARP
Link to Article: Home Improvement Contractor Interview Notes, Source AARP
Link to Article: Home Safety Checklist, Source AARP
Link to Article: Smart Cycling Quick Guide - Source, League of American Bicyclists
On-demand Video: Fully Vaccinated - Travel Safely within the United States Video, Source AARP
Link to Article: Balancing Act: Exercises to Help Restore Strength and Coordination - Source AARP
Link to Article: Turning Away from Nursing Homes, Source, the New York Times, includes the village movement
On-demand Videos: National Parks Virtual Tours. Source National Park Foundation
On-demand Videos: Gardening Webinars & Recordings. Source Clackamas County Master Gardeners
Link to Website: Oak Lodge and Gladstone Community Project. Source: Clackamas County
Link to Website: Have a Gardening Question - Source: OSU Extension Office
Link to Website: Clackamas County Sheriff's Office - Source: Clackamas County
Link to Website: Meals on Wheels at the Milwaukie Center. Source North Clackamas Parks and Recreation
Link to Website: Visit the New Boardman Trail and Wetlands. Source: North Clackamas Parks and Recreation
Link to Website: Explore Parks and Trails in Our Area. Source: North Clackamas Parks and Recreation
Link to Website: Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC). Source: Clackamas County Social Services
Link to Website: How to Report Fraud to the FTC Source: The Federal Trade Commission
Link to Website: Limiting Unwanted Calls & Emails. Source: The Federal Trade Commission